10 Minute Top 10

Hey Mom!

Ok I am giving myself 10 minutes to write this... Ready? Go!

HAPPY BLOGGIVERSARY! Now I know we normally celebrate the last weekend of August but this year has been nothing but madness so far so we will have to do cake next Thursday!  Currently I am less than a week away from my MCAT exam, taking 5 classes (3 of which have labs), working and pursuing my dream as a modern day bard.  So basically I am really busy being unsuccessful at multitasking.

Now it takes a special kind of talent to be going into my 5th year of a 4 year degree so let me pass on my wisdom to you:


1. Do not transfer schools, it is the equivalent of burning money.

2. Do not smash your head through the passenger window while someone rolls the car... your brain does not appreciate the hostility and will seek revenge via headaches and forgetting literally every thing you need to remember.

3.Being in university is like paying someone to punch you in the stomach, so you can claim to have survived being punched in the stomach... Pretty pointless until you realize that sometimes you have time for a mid-day nap.  Real adults don't get naps.  Friends, these are the golden years.

4. Ya Mama needs to hear from you every once and awhile.

5.There is always free food on campus... seek it and you shall find nourishment beyond your wildest dreams (usually it's just muffins but sometimes it's pizza).

6.You will forever be too busy for everything, make time for the stuff and the people that matter (and by "stuff and people" I mean naps... make time for naps).

7. Always wait to buy the textbooks, remember the bookstore is your enemy and will do everything in it's power to crush your will.

8. In university you will learn all that is wrong with the world and that there is no way to fix it... so the next time you are upset because you don't own a bed and school is starting next week and you still don't have anywhere to live... remember that those are things you can fix also that in the grand scheme of things you are pretty spoiled to be able to fit all your stuff into your station wagon.

9.  Never sit behind someone who watches Netflix during class... it is a vortex from which there is no escape.

10. The library is the ally you secretly hate but pretend to love so that it will continue to let you crash on it's couch.

TIME! (Actually I still have a full minute, my words per minute count is THAT high)

That is all.


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