A Selfish Christmas Decision

Hey Mom!

I'm currently pushing the limits of the imaginary Thursday deadline I've made for myself. I know what you're thinking Mack, this thrill seeking behaviour is dangerous. I know, I've written myself a strongly worded admonishment and put it in my day planner with the hopes that I'll be more responsible in the future.

I would like to talk to you today about a selfish Christmas decision that I made today. I looked all that was holly and jolly straight in the face and said "Bah! Humbug!" <--- this is not true, I added it for stylistic purposes and also because a humbug sounds like a really fun friend who knows the melody but none of the words to all your favourite songs.

I bought Star Wars wrapping paper.

Not because I come from a long line of Star Wars fans (if anything, I come from a long line of Star Wars tolerators). Not because Star Wars is Christmas themed (although a tauntaun of people have made the case that Episode V is full of Hothiday spirit... ok I'm done).

Not because it's beautiful wrapping paper. In fact, it's pretty gaudy looking (although there are snowflakes which technically makes it permissibly festive).

Because I saw it and it was a Rey of sunshine on an otherwise busy day (yeah I'm not even close to done but I think we all knew that).

Because I think it is a great Finn-ishing touch on all my gifts (that was low hanging fruit.. I'll acknowledge that).

Because a lot of the stocking stuffers I bought are very small and wrapping paper gives them the necessary girth to be visible. Imagine if a BB-8 an unwrapped gift, I would feel just terrible (I'm starting to reach... buckle up).

Because if I had a nickel for every time I wished for more Star Wars stuff I could fill 3PO boxes (It's a nickname so it's canon so I'm allowed to use it).

Because it reminded me that I've Ben Solo for awhile so I can't wait to visit my family. It's really important that Chewbecca up and take time for all the people that care about you (Ok I'm actually done, she lied).

You're still reading this? You are, through this pun storm, troopers.

That is all.


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