The lame is strong with this one….

Hey Mom!

So recently I've taken the "Which Star Wars Character Are You?" quiz and just in case your self esteem is unrealistically high I've included the link below:

The character I was most similar to was C-3PO and this is the description the site provides:

"Logical and calculating, facts and figures are your security blanket.  You've never met a subject you didn't have a well-reasoned opinion on, or a situation you couldn't try to talk through.  Fighting? Forget it.  You'll make yourself useful some other way and keep close to your less anxious best friend."

My translation of this is:  You are a know-it-all, a coward, your friends are all cooler than you and you have a giant shiny forehead.

So in my quest to outrun destiny I began asking my family and friends which Star Wars character I am the most similar to… the overwhelming response was C-3PO… in fact most people didn't even hesitate.   What was even more disconcerting is the fact that some people didn't even know the movies well enough to know his name but promptly replied with "the gold robot".

 The real reason I am upset is because C-3PO is the only link between myself and Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory.  At this point some of you are starting to assume I've lost my mind… that's ok I understand… you're completely wrong but I understand.

There was an episode where C-3PO and Sheldon were compared and I laughed hard.  Why? Because it's frighteningly accurate.  You know what is just plain frightening? The fact that I have similar personality traits to Sheldon Cooper… except I'm jobless, still living at home and have no degree to speak of.  Well at least I've got my personality… oh wait that would be the entire, complete problem in it's whole entirety (redundant combo x6).

 But Mackenzie, Sheldon isn't real.
THAT MAKES IT WORSE!  My personality can be boiled down to a static, sitcom character… how am I still sane?
Well you talk to yourself on your blog.
Point taken.

After spending a long time contemplating the situation (and by contemplating I mean pleading with people to change their minds) I've come up with some pros to being like C-3PO.

  1. Being anxious is a survival trait.  I'd rather be alert and anxious than content and dead.
  2. Having cool friends just means you get to hang out with cool people without trying to be cool… win-win.
  3. Being articulate is awesome.  Stand in awe as I wield the English language and bend it to my will.
  4. Nothing wrong with having a plethora of fun facts!
  5. Having a shiny forehead is better than having a forehead covered in zits.
  6. When push comes to shove he does actually help his friends…who are all cooler than him.
  7. Nothing wrong with wanting people to get along.  #middlechild
  8. C-3PO owns his uncoolness, it's called self-confidence
  9. At least I didn't get Jabba the Hutt
  10. At least I didn't get Jar Jar Binks
Well kids I think the take home message of this post is to never take quizzes of this nature because unless you lie, you will always be disappointed and end up asking your loved ones stupid questions like "If I were a Star Wars character which one would I be?"

That is all.


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