Psychology: The only class where you realize how screwed up you are and it's all your parent's fault

Hey Mom!

So as you may have noticed I am not a fan of my intro to psychology course. Let me be completely honest when I say that the material is very interesting right up until the point where my prof opens their mouth and tries to teach...

Voila examples of things that my prof has said:

"It's fun to hide stuff from babies"
....yep children crying is super fun

"And that's why teens are so insufferable"
You know most of the class is eighteen and nineteen right?  Maybe they are so insufferable because they have to listen to you talk?

"People are only afraid of death if they have regrets"
...Or you know if they don't know what's coming after they die, or if they are leaving family members who need them, or if they are really senile and don't know what's going on, or if they own a tiger named Death and they haven't fed it in awhile... just saying'

We are also learning that no matter how normal you think you are, you are screwed up beyond repair and it's all your parents' fault.  Now I think trying to figure out how we are wired is really cool and some really intelligent people have come up with some really clever studies.  However, some less intelligent people decided just to make up these theories and them some even less intelligent people took them seriously: Are you shy? Your parent's smothered you.  Are you outgoing? Your parent's neglected you.  Are you in between? Your parent's made you too in between.  Do you trust people? Your parent's sheltered you.  Do you mistrust people? Your parent's didn't shelter you enough.

.... so some of those were exaggerated but COME ON!  How many times does it have to be reiterated that people don't fit it into cute little cookie cutter boxes?  Maybe kids are shy and scared and adventurous and brave because people are shy and scared and adventurous and brave.  FURTHERMORE (wow it must be late because I am LOVING the caps lock key),  I am irritated with the fact that introversion is presented with a negative connotation....

Myths about Introversion:

  • Being introverted does not mean you are shy, it just means you need time by yourself to recharge.
  • Being introverted is not a character flaw, it is a character trait with it's own strengths and weaknesses.
Ok class so what is the take home message?  If someone asks you a question and you don't know the answer... DO NOT just make something up... you'll look like a fool and I know mama didn't raise no fool.

That is all.


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