Die Hard Tweets and Byeeee

Hey Mom!

So I had a hilarious post about live-tweeting Die Hard and a top ten about new years resolutions for other people.  But the truth is I'm taking a break from everything (by everything, I mostly mean Facebook) for a little while,  I am finding that social media (with the exception of twitter, I flipping love twitter) is frustrating me and exhausting me (again except twitter, I flipping love twitter).  I've been feeling this way for a long time but it's difficult when that is the only way I connect with a lot of my friends and family.  It's time for a break though and so instead of posting a status and making a huge deal out of something that's really nothing, I thought I'd post this here (and only here).  But why? Well because I know you will all miss me desperately (or maybe throw a party) and grow concerned and end up here....

How youuuu doin'? Great to see you, you look well! How're things?  Has that rash cleared up?

I'll still be blogging about my day to day disasters (and hopefully new videos) but I just need a season of simplicity.

I know what you are thinking: Mack how will we know when Breathless is out?!? Don't you worry kiddos!  I will post across every conceivable social media (except myspace, mostly because I think it's a myth, also not courier pigeon because I'm allergic to birds) when Breathless is ready (which should be soon, very, very extremely soon -- I hope --).

That is all.
ps. Here's the Die Hard tweets:


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