Pro: At least I'm honest about the cons.

Hey Mom!

I've been feeling really sane lately so I thought "Hey, why not take an extra class?" I know what you're thinking Mack, people take extra classes all time. Welllllll what I didn't realize is that since most of my classes are in french, most of my readings are french which takes me exactly 600x longer to read.  Not only does it take me longer, but I usually have to read them two or three times... I've provided a timeline below for your convenience:

Reading 1: I don't think I actually know how to read in french because none of that made sense.

Reading 2: This is the DUMBEST thing I've ever read... halfway through his sister was killed by a priest for NO reason!

Reading 3: Oooooh she didn't die... she became a nun. That explains the response question about the convent.

Now that I'm slowly blending my mind into a grey-matter soup, I'm realizing that I might be unpleasant to live with during this time. I've also realized that cooked vegetables sometimes constitute as a salad but that's beside the point.

Well that was an awful segue into what I actually want to write about... I haven't done a top ten list in awhile so here you go:

Top 10 Pro/Cons to Living with Me:

1. I get psoriasis when I'm stressed out.

Pro: At least you don't have psoriasis.
Con: I leave a trail of flakey emotional distress wherever I go.

2.  I am comfortable sitting in silence.

Pro: I'll never fill silence with pointless small talk.
Con: It's a bit creepy sometimes.

3. I'm economical

Pro: I am budget conscious and live within my means.
Con: Economical is code for cheap which means I don't turn on lights, I reuse stir sticks AND I don't support anything that is frivolous in nature... like paying money to use the dryer when I can just hang everything I own (including socks and underwear) to dry.

4. Ya Mama!

Pro: She trusts me because I'm responsible.
Con: I can't lie to someone's mother so I might accidentally tell on you sometimes.

5. I'm absentminded 

Pro: I'll never remember whose turn it is to take out the garbage and because I know I'm absentminded I'll assume it's mine.
Con: At some point you'll find a spatula in the mailbox.

6. I'm a morning person! 

Pro: If you need to be up, now you're up.
Con: Before my morning work out, I'm stumbling around in the dark (see #3)  making noise. After my morning workout, I'm flinging open the front door and "singing" (yelling) at the top of my lungs.

7. I have no discernible talents

Pro: I couldn't show you up even if I tried.
Con: I'm useless as an ally.

8. I have uncurbable enthusiasm.

Pro: Whatever you are excited about, I am also excited about.
Con: I can talk animately about nickels for 45 consecutive minutes.

9.  I don't sleep at night.

Pro: I have soooo many hours in the day to get things done like unloading the dishwasher or cleaning out the fridge or locking the door or making sure the lint trap is not a fire hazard.
Con: You may hear me talking to myself about soup or the physics of pogs at 4 am.

10. I am not a hoarder but the possessions I do own are weird and unnecessary.

Pro: If you need an Erlenmeyer flask, broken sunglasses, a harmonica, a magnet, a magnifying glass or a Thor hammer, I probably have one.
Con: If you need to borrow a shirt that makes sense, I can't help you

Well, there you go reasons why you should/shouldn't want to live with me.

That is all.

Just kidding... here:


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