Every Adult Should Know How to Do This?

Hey Mom!

I was originally going to tell you about the straw that broke the camel's back aka the bad, dumb, bad thing I did that is my official retirement from the cooking world but I'm saving that for next week because it is GRAPHIC and you need a week to prepare yourself.

So yesterday I learned how to change the oil in my car.  And let me tell you, it was a DISASTER... but like a fun disaster. Now this is something that I always thought every adult should be able to do this. And then I realized that I am, in fact, an adult who doesn't know how to change the oil in my car.

Clearly I know exactly what I am doing....
Fast forward to me lying under my vehicle (station wagon because I am #SunglassesEmoji) unscrewing a bolt that is the only thing between myself and an ocean of motor oil. My brother opts for a hands-off teaching technique:

"Make sure you have a tight grip on that bolt."

Great! Instructions! I love following instructions. I make sure I have a tight grip. I don't have a tight grip.

The bolt flies out of my hand into the bucket but the stream of oil bursts forth and misses the bucket entirely. It was like my oil tank was emotionally repressed, opened up to me and then years of neglect and sorrow poured out of the depths of it's soul. My brother then decide to become a hands-on teacher and moves the bucket in order to prevent the next Deep Water Horizon spill from taking place in his garage.

After fishing the bolt (or screw? what's the difference between a bolt and screw? Hang on let me google it.... ok so according to quora.com it was a bolt, feel free to educate yourself) out of the bucket I think to myself Well the worst is over. My brother opts for a hands off teaching technique while I unscrew the old filter.

"Careful it's going to leak a bit" It leaks a lot which only adds to the oil soaked cardboard. Next comes the filling of the new filter.  I add too much oil and overflow the filter.  At this point I silently apologize to polar bears and the ocean for wasting oil.

After trying to screw the new filter onto the wrong spot, my brother decided to become a hands-on teacher to prevent me from water-boarding myself with oil.  Finally I top up the oil tank (after typing this I feel as though it's not actually called an oil tank but here we are) and VOILA oil has been changed.

Now this was by no means a pretty process but guess what? We did it! We did it and now even if I never use it, I have the necessary knowledge to perform a DIY oil change. You see dear people, adults don't know always know what they are doing but they go figure it out along the way (and call another more grown up adult to help).  So go, go out into the world and pick something to learn. It will be messy but it'll also be fun and adulty.

That is all.


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