When life gives you lemons, ask it if you can borrow some water, ice, cups and sugar… then make lemonade… then sell it to make a fortune… then sell your pain via a published autobiography… yay for pain

Hey Mom!

So I had a good ol' regular bad day today.  When you are a university student bad days are like parties, they lure you in with the promise of food and merriment, and then you end up sitting in a corner with a bunch of weirdos eating stale cheetos.  However, I have come up with a list of ways to combat your bad day, (and you can thank me later) you don't need to use all these at once and if you are unable to use one strategy move on to the next.

1. Pay for something in all dimes and nickels.

This can be something small like a coffee but if you are ambitious try to buy a whole meal. This will make you feel better because it reminds you to take joy in the little things and sometimes the look on the cashier's face is worth it (also it reminds you someone else is suffering a little too).

2. Look yourself in the mirror and sing "The Next Big Thing" by FM Static

Why? Because you are awesome and who better to tell you that than yourself (who, may I remind you, is awesome).  For added effect find a really big mirror and throw in some dance moves.  If you can actually dance it will boost your confidence. If not (like me) it will give you a really good laugh.

3. Fart in a large group of people and don't say excuse me. 

In fact, don't even own up to it.  If life wants to be unfair, two can play at that game.  Justice is silent but deadly!

4. Ya Mama

Seriously phone her! She gave birth to you so she is bound to think your genetic material is worth talking about!

5. Get a big blanket (preferably a duvet) and wrap up in it like a taco

Take ten minutes to just lay there and cuddle.  It's like getting a hug except you actually enjoy it and no one has to see you in the depths of your despair.

6. Skip everywhere you go.

It is extremely difficult to remain grumpy if you are skipping.  You are bouncing along, breeze through your hair and a spring in your step.  Be careful in icy or windy conditions and make sure you wear the appropriate footwear. Try skipping for height or length as an added workout! Two birds meet one stone.

If these don't work or none of them are possible there is a final strategy but it must be employed with extreme caution and if I told you there was no risk involved I would be lying…

Count your freaking blessings! My life isn't perfect but I have it pretty good.  If I spent more time thinking about the awesome stuff in my life (like my killer dance moves) I would be a much happier person (and probably a little more sane).

Please note the "Count your freaking blessings" strategy may cause feelings of gratitude and happiness as well as lower instances of rage and self pity.  If you have already counted your blessing they may be recounted without harm to your person.  Should you feel the urge to hug someone DO NOT act on it unless you have a history of hugging, if hugs persist for more than 4 hours please contact your doctor.

That is all.


  1. Mack I love your blog. Especially hugging. It is a sensitive topic!! Thanks for making me smile today!


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