
Showing posts from October, 2013

You know what I love? Midterms

Hey Mom! So I am driving back from Ontario and I should technically be studying right now but my mind is wandering more than a vagabond.  A few people have asked me why I don’t post more about basketball... basketball is a really big part of my life right now but this blog doesn’t really reflect that.  Well here’s why: 1.You don’t know me like that 2.  When things are going badly I sound pathetic “Poor me, I suck merh merh merh excuses merh merh tired merh merh merh” 3.When things are going well I sound like I am bragging: “I am the best player in the world, I could be the next Michael Jordan, I scored all the points in existence” 4. Ya Mama 5. I’d feel obligated to explain any basketball jargon and it would bog down my posts.  The sports enthusiasts would feel like I was being condescending and everyone else would just be bored. 6. The majority of my posts are dedicated to pointing out the stupid things people say and I am pretty sure...

Road Trip Pontifications ---> This is me trying to sound like my thoughts and opinions are deep when in reality this blog is the blunt, unfiltered version of my daily life.

Hey Mom! So I have been living in Winnipeg for over a month now and before I left a lot of people gave me various pieces of advice and insight based on their experiences in Winnipeg.  They.All.Lied.  Maybe lied is the wrong word, but there are a ton of things people neglected to mention.....  Top Five Things People Didn’t Tell Me About Winnipeg There are all these towns with French names but if you pronounce them with a french accent people will look at you like you just murdered a puppy.  All the signs are bilingual and yet one mustn’t sound french. Say quoi?  There is goose feces EVERYWHERE, what is the goose population 17 times the national average or something. Someone planned Winnipeg by letting their kid scribble all over a map which is why the intersections are all at strange angles with 5 roads converging on a single intersection. Ya Mama The Heat:   “Winnipeg is so cold”  “Have fun in Winterpeg” “Make sure you bring ...