Twist and Shout....because you just pulled every muscle in your body.
Hey Mom! So remember last time when I talked about why we should exercise? Well boy oh boy do I have a tale for you! A couple days ago I started a new workout plan and until today it has been going great. I'm going to come clean here and just say that the first day was a low impact work out for senior citizens (No, I'm not embarrassed). I decided I was going to get into the habit of working out at the same time every day so that I wouldn't have any excuses to skip. Unfortunately the only consistent time in my life is first thing in the morning. So I am out of bed and warming up. The problem is my muscles are warming up but my brain is not waking up. The first exercise this morning was drop squats.... what kind of sociopath starts their workout with drop squats? If you don't know what a drop squat is... Start with your feet together, jump into a sumo wrestler stance, then squat until your legs are bent to 90 degrees. My half-asleep brain sees...