
Showing posts from April, 2015

Twist and Shout....because you just pulled every muscle in your body.

Hey Mom! So remember last time when I talked about why we should exercise?  Well boy oh boy do I have a tale for you! A couple days ago I started a new workout plan and until today it has been going great.  I'm going to come clean here and just say that the first day was a low impact work out for senior citizens (No, I'm not embarrassed). I decided I was going to get into the habit of working out at the same time every day so that I wouldn't have any excuses to skip.  Unfortunately the only consistent time in my life is first thing in the morning. So I am out of bed and warming up.  The problem is my muscles are warming up but my brain is not waking up.  The first exercise this morning was drop squats.... what kind of sociopath starts their workout with drop squats?  If you don't know what a drop squat is... Start with your feet together, jump into a sumo wrestler stance, then squat until your legs are bent to 90 degrees. My half-asleep brain sees...


Hey Mom! Now that the only sport I play is Wii Tennis (bowling is too hard, boxing is exhausting and quite frankly, golf is stupid) and I need to find brand new ways to take control of my fitness... yes I have joined the ranks of mere mortals and now need to motivate myself to exercise: Top Ten Reasons to Work Out 1. Serial killers exist: Think about that next time you decide to go for a run,  fleeing imminent death cardio is next level. 2. Groceries: specifically having to make two whole trips after a large grocery run (I'm looking at you Costco), I'd rather die... at the gym so I never have to enter into the purgatory that is two-trip groceries. 3. You never know when you'll have to win an arm wrestle: seriously wars have been won and lost, nations conquered or defeated all because of poor fitness. 4. Ya Mama shouldn't be able to lift more weight than you... she's frail 5 .Combatting butt disease:  What happens when you find yourself in a situat...

Stranded: A Tale of Zits, Flamingos and Winter

Hey Mom! I have went from Lethbridge to Vancouver to Calgary to Edmonton this week.  I smell like roadkill and I have a zit the size of the Michigan under my nose. I believe the zit is a metaphor for my current state of affairs... Under a ton of pressure and oozing fluid. Anyway.   today I went from Calgary to Edmonton to visit my brother's puppy.... I mean my brother....'s puppy..... dang it. We headed back to Calgary from whence my sister and I continued on to Lethbridge.  Or at least we attempted to.  It suddenly turned to winter and we are currently stranded in Claresholm. It's not so bad.  We found motel room in this teeny-wiener town and there are flamingos, grizzly bears and cacti on the comforters (down right neato if you ask me).  The drunk gentleman attempting to steal a vaccuum from the front desk was very polite.... staring at someone without saying a word for three straight minutes is polite right?  It's cold enough out that the Chine...