This One is Gross (With Visual Aids)

Hey Mom! So I like the idea of natural remedies. The idea of limited side effects and being able to brag about how much better I am than you on Facebook... What? I'M KIDDING (if you're offended by this take some peppermint extract and shove it where the sun don't shine). It just seems like if I could solve a problem at home with a bit of lemon juice and garlic instead of sitting in a crowded waiting room, being contagious and being contaged upon, why wouldn't I? So I did some research, I started at forums to find articles, I went to articles and found an array of doctors and naturopaths who seemed credible. Then when I went to the doctor to get a throat swab to test for strep throat and she told me that the recovery time was the same with or without antibiotics. So I think to myself, well while I am waiting for this throat swab I might as well try out a few of these remedies! So this is day oneish: As you can see it is uncomfortable but not horrendous. So I di...