It's 2am and my brain is squid poop....
Hey Mom! So around quarter to 7 this evening, I decided that I was going to be productive. You see, friends, I had been trying to be productive all day but it just wasn't happening (unless you count lackadaisically snacking as productivity). So I did a murderous cardio workout, shaved my armpits (for aerodynamic purposes), put lotion on the eczema patch on my shoulder and strapped in for an evening of productivity carefully metered by a series of timers. And boy-howdy was I productive! I fired on all cylinders, burned the midnight oil, put my nose to the grindstone, run the gamut (I'm not entirely sure that last one is applicable in this instance). In any case, it is after 2am and physically I am wide awake, however; after 7 hours of schoolwork, I have all the cognitive ability of a sofa that someone threw into the ocean and then was ingested by a giant squid and digested (so squid poop)... don't worry I'm going to leave this til tomorrow so I can add in all the w...