Round 2: So long old friend

Hey Mom!

We are now in the final stage of the Mackenzie T. Judd relocation program.

Stage 1: Denial
     No I am not really going to lose my blog, it'll all be ok.

Stage 2: Self-preservation
    The hour I spent copy and pasting over 50 thousand words from         my blog to a word document.  I have now accepted my blog is going, going, gone.

Stage 3: Relocation
    Careful selection of a site, based on price ($0), quality (the first one that came up on google) and user friendliness (the one that required the least amount of reading to sign up for). 

Stage 4: Rehabilitation

     Learning how to love again... shawwebspace said it would never leave me!  I trusted you shaw! What kind of people are you powered by?1?

The only thing I am sort of stuck on is, to repost or not? Right now I think I will try to repost my top ten lists and perhaps the incredibly funny posts (so all of them).

For those of you who are new to my blog allow me to explain the title.  Remember when you were a little kid and you'd find a rock or pick the "prettiest" dandelion in the whole backyard and you'd go running into the house "Hey Mom!  Look at this bug!"  and she would act interested and enthused even though she had a vase of 20 dead dandelions on the window sill and four rocks exactly like the one you were holding.... I know my Mom is going to read every one of these and so this is for her!

That is all.


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