This is awkward isn't it?

Hey Mom!

So the reasons I haven't been posting very much lately are as follows:

1) I keep thinking I should repost all my top ten lists first but there are tons of them so I just get lazy and go play candy crush saga

2) I haven't decided which pieces of writing to repost because while two years ago I thought I was lofty and articulate, I was actually being a little punk with no literary sense.

3)I want to repost the first two years but I have to go through it first because some of the stuff I said (posted?) was ok for my friends and family but the general public should be shielded from my ...uh... "genius".

4)Also I now work on a computer all day so I kind of resent my laptop now...

But here I am so, I might as well do a quick top ten

Top Ten Questions I Have About Public Blogs

10. Can I still point out how stupid some people are?
9. Am I allowed to complain/brag about my job?
8. Stranger danger?!?!
7. Do I have to cite my sources?
6. MLA or APA?
5. Is it weird to talk about my personal problems? Well actually I only have one problem and its name is Awkward
4. Ya Mama?  Yes dear, ya mama.
3. Can I be committed based on what I post?
2. WHO ARE YOU?!?!?
1. Do people seriously have nothing better to do than read this? Please, please let someone have nothing better to do than read this.

At the end of the day the risks outweigh the benefits because now my blog is %100 more likely to land me on a talk show (or one of those TLC shows that highlight weirdies living among you.... us I meant us)

Anyway just thought I'd let the universe know I was still rehabilitating my blog.

That is all.


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