What is that smell? It's my perfume 'Eau de Spinster' you like?

Hey Mom!

*Warning* this is a rant!

Unlike all my other post?

Shut up.

 I realize I haven't done an official post about my job this summer but don't worry it's coming, until then I intend on being vague and mysterious (because I have sooooo many people reading this... 3 whole views, aweh one of those was me). 

I walked into work this morning to find a note on my desk from one of my co-workers:

blah blah 
work stuff 
blah blah blah 
blah blah blah
it's really important you don't forget
blah blah blah
I hope you meet a man at the airport tonight
who will take care of you.

Do I give off an air of desperation of something? Don't answer that.  A lot of people at work joke about me marrying one of the guys staying in Olds. But for every two people who are kidding, there is one person who is actually serious (one person asked me if I could keep a house properly).  Which brings me to my next point:

Did I miss the memo that says if you are 20 and still single that automatically qualifies you for Spinster status? Well? DID I?!? 

I have more important stuff to deal with right now than finding a stupid boy to promise to love me until one of us dies.

What am I focused on? 

School... well that's not really true at the moment.  

Basketball.... well it's the off season right now so I have a lot of free time.

Angry Birds ok? I am focused on StarWars Angry Birds.

Hmmm guess I will be single for life #foreveralone

I need to stop undermining myself on my blog... or start taking those special vitamins the doctor gave me.

That is all.


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