Aaaaand I've finally lost my mind.

Hey Mom!

So I haven’t posted anything lately because this time of year feels like a post-apocalyptic war zone.  I know what you are thinking: How so? Please elaborate so we might appreciate your genius....

Very well, let me paint you a picture....

The year is 2013. 2012 made us question everything about human nature and most of us assumed we wouldn’t survive but now we are here.  They call it first semester but everyday we fight so it won’t be our last.  We haven’t slept since it began, morning classes, evening classes it doesn’t matter we all feel the insomnia gnawing at our bones.  All the while that voice calls softly just stay in bed today, class isn’t that important. Never reason with it. Never. Once you reason with it, you acknowledge that it’s real, once it is real it owns you.  We watch each other from shadowed eyes like hunted animals waiting for the next obstacle.  Once kept hair, gets ties up into knotted buns.  Sweatpants and hoodies are the only clothes in sight.  We drink a thick black coffee because it’s the closest thing we have to more time. More time! If only we had a few more hours everything would be ok.  But time is our only constant here, it drags on like a contaminated stream, draining away life and never leaving enough water.  Everyone deals with it differently, some people drink in every moment to the point of recklessness, the louder they are, the more desperate they are for it all to end.  Others just sit, hoping that something sticks, that right before the final test it all comes together like a rainbow in a picturesque blue sky. But it never stops raining here, leaving the sky a permanent shade of slate depression.  Then there are the ghosts, they fill campus every day like clockwork, moving like mechanical cuckoos along the same punctual track. Late into the night they work, the only signs of life are the lights they leave on, and the pages they turn.  The ghosts might seem harmless but, beware they feed in packs, ravenously tearing at anything remotely edible.   And then there are those the lie somewhere in between, crushed under the pressure of mid-terms, papers, lab reports and so we crawl.  Crawling to the hope that it will end if we just keep moving, and when it does it will be Christmas again.

Now before I get a bunch of messages like "Are you ok?",
"Do you need a hug?", or "Have you stopped taking your vitamins?" I would like to let you all know:


...Mom, I know you are still going to send me a text and ask....

But seriously every university student knows what I am taking about, it's like all the profs get together and say "Ok let's have a good semester people! You know the drill, let's sync up all our tests and assignments, don't be afraid to throw a few questions on the midterms and exams that nobody has ever seen before.  As educators it is our duty to point students in the right direction and then watch as they run themselves into the ground!"  At this point I imagine them putting their hands together and the dean yelling "Break!".  Meanwhile someone is watching the whole thing take place on a tv monitor in a dark room, their slow rich laugh rolling over peaked fingers.

.... Well I think it's time to take off my tinfoil hat and call it a day.

That is all.


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