The Callousness of my Generation Scares Me
Hey Mom! I am upset and not the usual indignant, sarcastic upset. My heart aches and I feel ashamed for my generation. I would also like to preface this post by letting you know that I have done none of my own research regarding this topic and this is just a combination of what I learned in high school social studies and today in chemistry. Ok so in chemistry class today we were learning about different types of substitutions on benzene rings (not relevant to the story just thought you might like to know what I am paying to learn). Towards the end of the class my prof pulls up this picture of an airplane dumping Agent Orange over Vietnam. Agent Orange is made up of two herbicides (2,4-D and 2,4,5-T) that under normal circumstances do not cause the birth defects, cancers and other mutations associated with Agent Orange. However, when you heat 2,4,5-T up it undergoes a substitution which creates the killer chemical (TCDD). My prof's point was that if you ar...