The Scenic Route

Hey Mom!

All I want to do right now is purchase an orange VW van so I can traverse the arctic tundra and write a novella.  Why? Because right now the thought of reality is about as appealing a toilet seat made from cactus skin.

This kids, is the part of the show where chasing your dreams isn't all sunshine and roses. Days like today are the ones where the hard work feels like it's never going to pay off.  Sometimes I feel like I'm chasing a future I don't even want anymore.  But the truth is before I can ever pursue a dream, I have to pursue a reality.
Sorry VW but you have to sit on the back burner, hopefully gas will still exist by the time I get around to having some disposable income.

Why hello arctic tundra, please permit me to appreciate your majesty from a distance.

Dear novella, I'm sorry but you are going to be nothing more than a word document I haphazardly update for the time being.

Truthfully, it is not accurate that I am not chasing my dreams but, I am taking the scenic route.  And sometimes the scenic route is more like driving through Saskatchewan, flat and seemingly endless.

That is all.


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