This one might be too gross for the internet....

Hey Mom!

I'm writing this while I lie on the bathroom floor. Why are you lying on the bathroom floor? Full disclosure, I'm waiting to throw up. I've been fighting it for an hour but I know it's a losing battle.  Why don't you just throw up? Well because I feel like someone just ripped a waxing strip off the inside of my throat so if I order a street pizza it's going to burn like a ginger in direct sunlight.... Ugh close call.

Mind if I bare my soul for a sec? I am deeply conflicted because I'm going to go to all my classes this week because I have 5 midterms in 3 days.  So to all my classmates:

I am sorry for making you sick. But I want you to know:

  • I am hitting the handsani harder than a crafty person to Pinterest. 
  • I'm not a barbarian so I don't cough directly into my hand.  
  • I'm trying my best not to breathe near you but the truth is I can't help it. 

UUUUUUUUHHHHH that time was really, really close, I'm on the precipice of regurgitation.

Anyway, sorry guys but, tbh you should blame society and the education system for turning me into this savage animal (who, to reiterate, does NOT cough directly into their hand).

Also, you probably think it's gross my laptop is in the bathroom.  It is.  But I have a lysol wipe on standby.  I'm really bored but mostly, I just want some music playing while I spew the rainbow.

I just submitted a lab report I wrote in a fever dream and have no idea whether or not it's written in a human language but it's submitted and there's nothing I can do now. Also I've sweat through three shirts today...3... I'm so gross I don't even want to be near me.

Anyway, I'm going to throw up, do the field goal sign and then finish my french homework.

That is all.


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