
Showing posts from March, 2016

Share the Love, Share the Pepto.

Hey Mom! Is it wrong to offer a stranger Pepto-Bismol? I've been thinking about this a lot over the past two days... mostly because this girl was yarfing in the bathroom and I said to myself I should offer her some pepto!  Don't get me wrong I wasn't like Yo lady, want a swig o' the pink stuff? They are chew tabs that I happen to keep in my backpack (for reasons that don't concern you...I am after all a lady). On a completely unrelated note, sometimes ladies get diarrhea. Aaaaanyway, I was standing there (post whiz) thinking about whether it's weirder to offer good ol' PB to a stranger.  I mean it's definitely weird to pass chew tabs under a bathroom stall but which is weirder?  In the end, it didn't matter because while I was standing there musing about the nature of anti-nauseant exchanges she left. So to recap: 1. I am an awful human being who didn't even ask this woman if she was alright. 2. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT'S GOOD IN T...

To the person is marking my DELF exam....

Hey Mom! So as you are well aware I wrote the DELF exam today which is basically just a series of tests to judge what level of fluency one has.  I know normally that these are for you, Mom, but today I'd like to write an open letter to the poor soul who has to mark my exam... thanks for understanding. Dear Poor Soul, I just want you to know I'm sorry.  I'm sorry that I used "gagner l'expérience" 17 times in a 150 word response.  I know that I put the accent on the wrong e (I've corrected it in this letter to spare you further agony). I also know that adding accents to english words does not magically turn them into french words. I won't tell you about the grand ideas I had about reforms to the post-secondary system (but I did).  I won't tell you that halfway through one of the recordings I started imagining that part of the Simpsons movie where he gets money upon moving to Alaska (but I did). And I won't tell you that after reading the ...