A Person is A Person.

Hey Mom,

I hadn't planned on commenting on the shooting that took place in Orlando.  Not because I don't care, but because sometimes when something awful happens it is best just to say nothing.  Say nothing and stop.  Stop and recognize that at least 50 people lost their lives.

But we want answers. We want a solution and so we don't stop.  We point fingers at gun regulations and religion. Not only do we point fingers, but we want to debate those issues now. In this moment. Social media has become a war zone of blame. In a time when we should be coming together we are falling apart.

Did the shooter ascribe to a very extremist religious group? Yes (emphasis on extremist, having been denounced by many muslim groups across North America and Europe).

Did gun regulations make it easier for the shooter to acquire weapons? Yes. Should there be further debate about gun laws? Yes.  But now is not the time. Because it doesn't come down to gun laws or extremist groups. It comes down to someone who is so filled with hate that they can no longer see that a person is a person.

A person is a person who deserves respect and dignity and security.

A person is a person who has the same rights as any other person regardless of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation or favourite TV show.

So please. Can we stop? Stop and recognize that a person is a person.

A person is a person just like me.

A person is a person who has a family and a future.

Today, 50 persons lost their lives. Today, 50 families lost a person.

All those people shot and killed because one person couldn't see that they were persons too.


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