
Hey Mom!

Well, it's Sunday and I know you've been waiting allllll week for this update. Well boy-oh-boy do I not know what's going on in the whirling dervish that is my life. But why don't we just start at the beginning(ish) and see where we end up?

I went to physio this week to find out that my glutes and a handful of my back muscles are not firing... now I'm no doctor but this is what I took away from that:

All the squats and lunges I've been doing at the gym were for NOTHING. That's right, all the pain, all the farts I've had to hold in... for nothing. #BootyOffDuty

I dressed up as a hippy anthropologist to do a presentation for my advanced grammar class.
Figure that one out.

I tried swing dancing AGAIN.  Now I know what you're thinking It almost killed you the first time! True, but I like to live my life on the edge.

I realized (while swing dancing) that when I'm not expecting someone to spin me I make a Serena Williams-esque tennis grunt while I attempt to figure out what's going on. Why? Because I am beauty, I am grace, that's why!

I've been playing 'Be Prepared' from the Lion King on my ukulele instead of doing homework. Ahhh the sweet, sweet irony.

I'm going to be up all night doing the homework I should've done whilst playing 'Be Prepared' from the Lion King on my ukulele. Ahh the bitter, bitter regret.

I just ate nine tenths of a pizza.

That is all?

Yep. That is all.


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