Shopping: Animorphs and Pterodactyl Legs
Hey Mom! Until recently, I had not been clothes shopping since 2014. I know what you're thinking Mack, you love the mall! Yeah I do because there's a NEW YORK FRIES there! But with my wizening with age, I am attempting to pursue a sunnier disposition whilst educating the youths. So I have carefully profiled the perfect shopping battle buddy which I will share with you now: The most important thing is that you shop with someone who is a bit mean. Now, Mom, given that you’ve gone with me twice in the past week or so, your feelings may be a bit hurt. But have no fear Mom, (also please don’t put me up for adoption). To clarify, this person is going to seem mean because nothing stings like “Hey those pants make you look like a lion tamer” when you’ve finally worked up the courage to try something on after two hours of walking into stores, looking around and saying None of this will look good on me so there’s no point on even trying… I'm basically an urchin. But trus...