The April-Fooled

Hey Mom!

I attempted a prank on my Dad early this morning... it didn't exactly go according to plan:

So it is technically April Fool's Day (12:14am) I'm writing this because I'm currently plotting. I know what you're thinking: You should be doing school work. I know that and you know that... but if we don't talk about it's almost like it's not there.

 For those of you who don't know, I used to prank my Dad every year until I went too far (I must never speak of it again). So I decided to retire before someone got hurt or I got written out of the will. But seeing as this is the last year I'll be living with my parents for the foreseeable future, I've decided to bring it back for one last hurrah. 

As we speak the jello (containing his car keys) is setting, once it's done I will insert a picture here:

Notice that this is not car keys in jello.... that is because the jello never set.
Now I'm going to go tell my Dad I need to go to the hospital (I've been feigning stomach pain for about a half hour). This is either hilarious or I'm actually a terrible human being (which, as mentioned above, is the reason I retired in the first place).

Just checking in.... it's 2am... I thought jello would set in an hour.... turns out it does not.... setting my alarm for 5 am so I can try for some sleep. K bye.

So it's 4:16 am... a car alarm started going off and my Dad went looking for his keys and couldn't find them... My mom just woke me up (laughing so hard she can't breathe) because I'm so tired I slept through the car alarm... apparently he is now wandering around the parking lot looking for his keys.... the jello is still just liquid. 

What ended up happening is that my Dad came inside and I handed him a cup with the jello and his car keys in it and said "April Fools!" but everyone was so tired at that point that I had to explain that his car keys were in the cup.

So what did we learn?

1. My Dad thought my prank would've been really funny.

2. Apparently, jello won't set in a metal travel mug... that piece of information is not in the instructions. Don't worry I'll be writing a letter to the jello company.

3. Sometimes the April-fooler becomes the April-fooled. 

That is all.

ps Dad if you're reading this, Mom was my accomplice the ENTIRE time. 


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