Hey Mom! So it's 2:44am and I should be writing an essay about this weird fable I read about how mankind defeated the animal kingdom with yams and frying pans. But I am not. Because I don't waaaannaaaa. But I will. Eventually. After this. And a snack. I'm so unbelievably close to being finished these courses and therefore my degree. While I am not going to return to grad-monitions because I thought I was going to die last time (if you haven't been scarred by the photos click here ). However, I'm going to talk to you about a new development in my life as the end of my undergraduate life approaches. Stress dreams. Now I've written about these before but basically I have two different types of stress dreams: 1.Trying to prevent the dumb bunny version of me from doing dumb bunny things. So basically there are two of me and regular me is trying to stop the other version from me from destroying both of us. Some examples include: A basketball coach says ...