Intro: The Gap Year(s)

Hey Mom!

So I think we both knew I wasn't going to stop posting but it's important to note that we are moving from Hey Mom! The Undergraduate Years to Hey Mom! The Gap Year(s). 

So what does one do with a year off? Well, I don't actually know because this is my first year off since pre-kindergarten (which, let me tell you, pre-K was a griiiiiiind). But I can tell you that this year, as I descend upon a quarter century I fully intend to follow my dreams and eat a well-balanced diet. With that in mind, I have put together a top ten list of things you should do in the first official month of your gap year:

  1. Preorder a book! Like a mother-fluffing billionaire with time to read for leisure. 
    • Full disclosure: I used a coupon AND a giftcard.
  2. Buy a really nice day planner! For years I promised myself that one day I would purchase a beautiful day planner and that day has come! It came with tabs, weekly sheets with enough room to write a novel about my day-to-day activities.
    Mine is the one lacking a floral accent... it's not that I have anything against floral... I just like the idea of seeming like I have a plan
  3. Buy more than one vegetable at a time at the grocery store. You guys, I spent $40 at once at the grocery store the other day and let me tell you, it was an absolute thrill. I spent $50 a month on groceries maximum during my degree and supplement my poor diet with the multivitamins my parents gave me every year at Christmas time.
  4. Ya Mama. Maybe send her a card or splurge on her birthday. 
  5. Work with some puff pastry. Because why not? Do you want to feel like a world-class chef for an hour? Of course you do.
    These are delicious lemon poppyseed pretzels that weren't burnt nor were they prepared in the microwave.
  6. Learn a trade! Of course by a trade I mean, learn how to crochet. Crochet is love. Crochet is life. 
  7. Sleep. Oh my goodness gracious, can we all just get some sleep? I realize given the insomnia cooking show I host on my SnapChat story at least twice a week you might think this is not an accurate description of my life. Since finishing my degree my sleep has gone up approximately 400% according to a recent study that I have no desire to cite because I've clearly made it up for comedic purposes.

  8. Watch all the Netflix! I have watched more netflix this past month that I have during my entire degree.
  9. Look at the timer you normally set when you're doing a fun activity so that you go back to studying and then laugh and laugh and laugh. This timer holds no power here.
  10. Go support your local community theatre group! I didn't actually do this but had there been opportunity I would've donned a beret and golf-clapped so appropriately.
So far none of my dreams have shattered and pierced my heart with disappointment shrapnel so guess what? I'm still just a vat of unbridled enthusiasm!

That is all.


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