I bought a poncho.... this is who I am now

Hey Mom!

As you may have guessed from the title, I have recently acquired a poncho and it has changed my life. It has embraced my in its warm, multipurpose, economically priced arms and hood.

Now if I'm honest (and I am nothing if not honest), I was not sold on the poncho. I know what you're thinking Mackenzie, how could you be hesitant about such a warm, sensibly patterned, economically priced gem?!?! And the answer to that is: NEW THINGS MAKE ME NERVOUS. Do you have any idea how long it was before I gave ellipticals a chance? It was years. I took one look at that low impact cardio machine and said "No thank you Sir or Madam, your futuristic, stationary, space skis make too many promises that they can't keep."

However, my roommate, who was gracious enough to go with me, reminded me that trying on a poncho wouldn't kill me. So I did. I lived in the moment and I donned what would become the economically-priced poncho of my dreams.

And let me tell you, life post-poncholessness is wonderful.

That is all.


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