Cold Case: Ungloved

Hey Mom! So this is going to be a weird(er than usual) one, I'm just going to jump right in. I had this weird memory from my childhood sneak up on me the other day: In the third grade, this kid wore a black magic glove all day (now you are probably imagining a sequined magician's glove, I'm talking about those 99 cent gloves that we all wore under our mittens when we went tobogganing). Behold! The magic glove! The teacher was all "Dude, what's with the glove?" and apparently he had burned his hand and so his Mom put a bandaid on it, covered it with the glove and told him not to take it off for ANY REASON. The teacher is all "Ok that's weird but good luck that." and carries on with her day. But then we get to gym class and this kid has a full on yelling match with the gym teacher re: the magic glove. The gym teacher tells him the glove is unnecessary, he says he is not allowed to take the glove off for ANY REASON. Eventually, the g...