
Showing posts from October, 2018

Cold Case: Ungloved

Hey Mom! So this is going to be a weird(er than usual) one, I'm just going to jump right in. I had this weird memory from my childhood sneak up on me the other day: In the third grade, this kid wore a black magic glove all day (now you are probably imagining a sequined magician's glove, I'm talking about those 99 cent gloves that we all wore under our mittens when we went tobogganing).  Behold! The magic glove! The teacher was all "Dude, what's with the glove?" and apparently he had burned his hand and so his Mom put a bandaid on it, covered it with the glove and told him not to take it off for ANY REASON. The teacher is all "Ok that's weird but good luck that." and carries on with her day. But then we get to gym class and this kid has a full on yelling match with the gym teacher re: the magic glove. The gym teacher tells him the glove is unnecessary, he says he is not allowed to take the glove off for ANY REASON.  Eventually, the g...

Rip-roaring and Ready to Lose it!

Hey Mom! The last time I lost my temper was 2014. I'm telling you this because I know that this blog takes on a ranty tone every now and again which might lead you to believe I have the tendency to fly off the handle. Typically, this is not the case. But on this day, October 9th, 2018, I was tested.  I raised my voice at someone at work today. Not because they were a little hard of hearing. Not because I was excited that we got a new skeleton foot in. Because my patience was gone and my customer service voice went with it. So now what? I'm so glad you asked. I JUST LISTENED TO DISTURBED AND I'M READY TO FIGHT, MY DUDES! So I've compiled a list of people that, in this moment, I'd like to use my rage momentum to start a fight with. The guy at the Costco gas bar who pulled up ten feet away from the pump and then standing in the middle of the thru-lane because his gas tank is on the opposite side. THREE people could've nourished their car with earth...

I dare you.

Hey Mom! So the first week of classes has come and gone and the first few days were like this: "There aren't enough hours in the day! Look at all the books I could lose! I would have to tear down the entire amazon rainforest to generate enough cue cards for this course!" This is 1600 of 1800 cue cards that I purchased... time will tell if this was overkill Now if I'm honest (and I'm nothing if not honest), I have a flair for the dramatic.... well actually it's a flare for the dramatic... it's a stick on fire that I wave around while yelling "LOOK, LOOK AT THIS!"  ***EDUCATING THE YOUTHS ON THE NUANCES OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE WHILE ALSO DEMONSTRATING TERRIBLE USE OF THE COMMA 4X MULTIPLIER*** Anyway, Saturday rolled around and I finally morphed into my  I dare you form.  Some would say this is because I'm competitive, others would say it's because I've lost my ever-loving mind. Frankly, I don't care the reason because...