I dare you.

Hey Mom!

So the first week of classes has come and gone and the first few days were like this:

"There aren't enough hours in the day! Look at all the books I could lose! I would have to tear down the entire amazon rainforest to generate enough cue cards for this course!"
This is 1600 of 1800 cue cards that I purchased... time will tell if this was overkill

Now if I'm honest (and I'm nothing if not honest), I have a flair for the dramatic.... well actually it's a flare for the dramatic... it's a stick on fire that I wave around while yelling "LOOK, LOOK AT THIS!" 


Anyway, Saturday rolled around and I finally morphed into my I dare you form.  Some would say this is because I'm competitive, others would say it's because I've lost my ever-loving mind. Frankly, I don't care the reason because I dare you form is the most fun. It's the form where you finally realize that you aren't going to let whatever is getting to you get to you. And then it becomes a game and you know what that means? Winners and losers, my dudes.

I dare you, double the number of readings this week.
I dare you, go ahead, toss some trick questions in there.
I dare you, schedule server maintenance for 72 straight hours with no warning.

I know what you're thinking: Mack, that seems pretty hostile. Listen, listen, liiiiisten, it's not about being hostile, it's about having the attitude that there is no wrench, no curveball, no stunt that is going to rattle my cage, there is nothing you can throw at me (other than a car, if you threw a car at me that would definitely douse this particular fire) that is going to make me back down from this. Not only that I am not even going to give you the satisfaction of blinking. 

Come chaos! Come mayhem! Come irritating spelling mistakes! Let scheduling errors rain from the heavens. I shall weather this storm, undaunted. Unwavering, I welcome sleepless nights, I accept the paper cuts and gloss-finish textbook. This is my path, obstruct it. I dare you.

That is it.


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