Triceps: The Pursuit of Glory

Hey Mom! So lately I've been trash-talking Chris Hemsworth a lot on social media. Now I know what you're thinking Mack, why are you bullying Thor? Listen, liiiisten, liiiiiiiisteeeeennnnn, is it technically bullying? No, it's actually just gossip because, as you may have guessed, Christopher is unaware of my chirping. The real question is how did we get here? Yes, we, we are in this together now. Well, in January (20Greateen) I saw Thor Ragnorak and thought "Thor has great triceps." and then a green tide of jealousy overtook me and I knew that I needed to get myself some beautiful triceps. So I decided to start lifting weights for the first time since my back injury. Has it been a very good experience that has contributed to my overall health? Yes! Is that a logical reason to start lifting weights? Absoluuuuutely not. Anyway, it started out as inspiration but much like most things in my life it quickly descended into a very stupid joke: I am coming for your ...