Safety Pins: A Danger to Us All

 Hey Mom!

So I'm sitting here wearing a broken bra. Now Mom, I understand that you probably don't want me to talk about my underwear on the internet BUT (and it is a big but), I promise it is not the focal point of this story.

I have two bras, I have a work bra and a not-work bra. The other day I was adjusting the strap on my not-work bra when it snapped. Not a big deal, it's corona times and who even cares if my bra strap is hanging out the bottom of my shirt?

A frayed bra strap
This is what betrayal looks like

So today I realized that I do, in fact, need to fix my not-work bra until it can be replaced. I didn't staple it because I'm 27 now and I'm tired of y'all lecturing me about the staples holding together my clothes. I could not find a sewing needle so I decide to safety pin it. What could go wrong? It's got safety right in the name!

So I pin it and am impressed with my adulting abilities until I reach for something and the safety pin CATAPULTS off the bra and is flung who-knows-where. At this point, I freeze, unsure if I am in shock because I've just been fatally wounded by a safety pin or if the safety pin has managed to fly out of my shirt and into the great beyond.

Fortunately, the safety pin caught on my shirt and was stuck in that instead of my tender mortal flesh but I spent the rest of the afternoon contemplating my life choices. LIKE WHAT IF I HAD LOST AN EYE?!?! My mind was a cycle of having to explain to medical professionals that I had decided to safety pin my breast-vest and then it acted as a medieval projectile weapon. 

Anyway, new bra is in the mail. I'm sorry.

That is all.


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