Hey Mom! Is currently undergoing renovations, we appreciate your patience while we work to serve you better

Hey Mom!

So you may or may not have noticed depending on the frequency with which you visit this blog that there are some changes unfolding on thE website.  I have decided to update and maintain this site with a little more frequency for a few reasons (they aren't any of your business but lucky for you I am willing to share):

1. I would like to make money writing someday and practice makes publishable.
2. My life is actually more complicated than Top Ten Lists once every couple months.
3. I really enjoy this and I think I could make this website even better if I give it a little more attention.
4.  I waste my time doing a lot of pointless things like trying to invent a contraptions out broken stuff I've kept, cleaning my room, or playing apps I actually hate.

So I will be trying to update Hey Mom! a minimum of once a week as well as I have started adding pictures under the heading Adventures of Wol.  Wol is a ceramic owl that was given to me by Danielle when I left for university, when I travel I bring him with me as a reminder of home and I send her all the fun pictures I take with him.  Please note Wol is not a Hey Mom! trademark, I got the name from a Farley Mowat book "Owls in the Family". Furthermore, I will continue to try to weed through the first two years I blogged and upload any of the top ten lists.  I do realize that I promised that I would upload the posts from back in the day but instead I thought I would sum up the vast majority of them right here for you:

Once upon a time I was a snivelling 18 year-old, fresh out of the womb of high school.  Very quickly I learned that life is not fair and that the person I was, was not even close to the person I wanted to be.  Like a human transforming into a werewolf I grew snarly and hungry and stopped shaving my legs.  I went on a soul searching journey far far away and realized I AM NOT THE CENTRE OF THE UNIVERSE.

Now don't get me wrong, there are still days when I am whole-heartedly shovelling coal into the crazy train but at least now I can do up my own straight jacket.

That's is all.


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