Since We're All Talking About Depression
Hey Mom! As you may have heard, Robin Williams passed away this week. After the initial shock, his death has sparked a lot of really important conversation topics like What is depression? How did someone so good at making us laugh hide such unimaginable pain? Why does Mental Health still carry such a social stigma? These are important and we need to talk about them more but I am not an expert. I can't tell you anything other than my story: I am struggling with depression right, in this moment. Today is neither especially good nor especially bad. Today is one bead in a long string of bad days. I had the will power to get out of bed today but that is just about it. I've sat down three or four times the past couple days trying to write this. I stopped because I realized halfway through one draft that I didn't care. I stopped because thinking about the person I used to be and who I am now is incredibly painful. ...