The Ungrateful Generation

Hey Mom!

Prepare to have your sensibilities offended. This week I have read three articles that have appeared on my newsfeed  that all pertained to my generation being selfish, ungrateful and just generally inconsiderate. To this my response is "Look in the mirror".  I'm tired of hearing about how my generation doesn't have old school values or understand the importance of hardwork.  Just because I own a cellphone and have a Facebook does not mean I am any less intelligent or capable.  So I am going to address all the problems my generation allegedly has in no particular order. Now these articles were written by parents so I'm directing most of these comments at parents.

1.  We never go outside. Yup because I never rode a bike or went to the park or had water fights with my friends growing up.... That was sarcasm in case you didn't realize. You want to know why kids don't stay out until dusk as much as they used to? Your generation. Yes, you. A combination of perverts and fear mongering media means that it's not safe anymore. It's not my generation that made it unsafe it's yours.

2. We don't value hardwork. Sorry last I checked I was paying for my own tuition. Not only do I have a job, I also maintain good grades... By myself. My mom doesn't do my homework, my dad doesn't try to get me a rewrite if I  fail an exam. Did I mention curriculum is more difficult than it was 20 years ago?

3. We are glued to our phones.  Yup no argument here, but you know who else is glued to their phones? You. I don't know how many times I've seen parents ignoring their kids or taking pictures of their food instead of just enjoying the moment.

4. We have no respect for others. I don't call my parents or my parents friends by their first name.  I say please and thank you.  I understand that people and their time have value. And you know who taught me that? My parents, so perhaps if your kids are selfish, ungrateful and generally inconsiderate maybe you should think long and hard about what you value in your home.

Now some of you are currently nursing hurt feelings.  Which is fine you are probably whiny and I would rather you just click away.  For everyone else, here is my point: Before you judge others, you need to look at yourself and say "Am I a schmuck?" If the answer is yes, you can go ahead and give yourself a swirly while you think about how selfish, ungrateful and generally inconsiderate my generation is, instead of writing an article about it.


  1. Thanks Mack for reminding me to check my attitude. We miss you and your sense of humour.


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