
Showing posts from December, 2014

2014 Best-Worsted

Hey Mom! So as a university student I tend to think of the new year starting in September but Facebook just told me I'm wrong.  So let's evaluate. This year has been a year of growth (not height wise because if it were, I might still be playing basketball).  Much like puberty, personal growth is awkward and painful. I find that I have emerged from the cocoon like an ugly duckling.  I'm sort of moulty and can't really fly but I'm alive and at least I'm not a stupid egg. So here is the highlight reel for 2014. Top Ten Best of 2014 1. I tried new things - I started making Youtube content, an Etsy page, I moved out of my parent's house,  I acted in a local web series (you're shaking your head, why does everyone shake their head when they hear that?), I started using hashtags ironically.  The whole world opened up for me, when I stepped out of my comfort zone. 2. I lived in 3 different cities in 2014 -Living in different cities really gives you a ...

Top 10 Things I'm Maybe Probably Addicted To

Hey Mom! So it's 3 am and I thought it would be appropriate to talk about weird personal stuff on the internet! Just kidding!  We all know it's better to talk about weird personal stuff during peak social media use It's just been awhile since I've done a top ten list because I feel like it's not my thing anymore it's Buzzfeed's thing.  Also I think I've been taking myself too seriously on this blog lately.   Ever since I accidentally poisoned myself with coffee pot descaler, I've been grappling with my own mortality etc, etc. So here is a return to the absurd and fantastic and cartoonishly awkward misadventures of Mackenzie T Judd.... Top 10 Things I Am Maybe Probably Addicted To 1. Tetris.  I've mentioned it before but it's a legitimate problem.  I can't get past level ten and it affects my life. 2.  Minimized windows. Right now I have 26,  although I don't know if this is an addiction so much as a fear of commitment....

Happiness: A Template

Hey Mom! So if you are feeling particularly offendable today, it is my suggestion that you don't read this.  I'm not judging, we all have days where our feelings are particularly easy to hurt and if you are having one of those days just click away. Ok this week I'm going to kick it old school and just go for it.  If you didn't have the misfortune of reading my old blog... just imagine a high-strung 18 year old who thought they knew how the world worked.  While I am not claiming to know how the world works,  I am just going to say exactly what I want to say because I already warned you about hurt feelings. Why do we suck at treating people like they have their own brain?  I've seen a lot of posts about fat-shaming, skinny-shaming, parenting styles shaming, food shaming, lifestyle shaming, for goodness sake I've even seen elf on the shelf shaming (and let me just say that I hate elf on the shelf with a fury second only to the fires of Mordor so I understa...