Top 10 Things I'm Maybe Probably Addicted To

Hey Mom!

So it's 3 am and I thought it would be appropriate to talk about weird personal stuff on the internet!

Just kidding!  We all know it's better to talk about weird personal stuff during peak social media use

It's just been awhile since I've done a top ten list because I feel like it's not my thing anymore it's Buzzfeed's thing.  Also I think I've been taking myself too seriously on this blog lately.   Ever since I accidentally poisoned myself with coffee pot descaler, I've been grappling with my own mortality etc, etc.

So here is a return to the absurd and fantastic and cartoonishly awkward misadventures of Mackenzie T Judd....

Top 10 Things I Am Maybe Probably Addicted To

1. Tetris. I've mentioned it before but it's a legitimate problem.  I can't get past level ten and it affects my life.

2. Minimized windows. Right now I have 26,  although I don't know if this is an addiction so much as a fear of commitment.  I don't want the document closed but I don't want it opened either.

3.  Punk rock from the 90's... don't ask.

4. Ya Mama. her personality is just so effervescent

5. Chips. I can and do eat them for breakfast... No I can stop any time I want. TOUCH THOSE SOUR CREAM AND BACON CHIPS AND I WILL CUT YOU!  Whoa sorry I don't know what got into me there.

6. Puns. This has cost me friendships and put strain on my relationship with my family.  I can't live without a punchline. Isn't that punishment enough? What am I laughing at? Nothing *chortle* nothing at all.

7. Taking stuff apart.  Broken calculators, fans, jewellery, household pets.  I may or may not have an entire bin full of stuff I have dismantled, said "That's pretty neat" and then because I broke it trying to take it apart, there's no way I can put it back together (I said stuff I was addicted to, not good at).  But I have a skewed sense of sentimentality I keep it all.  I tell myself that it's because I want to be prepared for the apocalypse but I know that's a lie.  I'm severely asthmatic and clumsy to the point of defying physics there is no way I am surviving the apocalypse.

8. Socks. It's gotten to the point where I feel weird if I don't have socks on.  I don't even own sandals because what's the point of going outside if I can't have socks on?

9. Parenting Articles. I don't know why but I read at least three parenting articles every day.  I have no kids.  I want no kids.  But their little minds perceive things so differently.  Go ahead, ask me what I think of time outs as an effective punishment... no seriously please ask me... c'mon ASK ME!

10. Heroine.  I just can't get enough of a strong female character.

So that happened... it's too early in the morning to be apologetic but I can try for a nice rueful expression if you want?

That is all.


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