2014 Best-Worsted

Hey Mom!

So as a university student I tend to think of the new year starting in September but Facebook just told me I'm wrong.  So let's evaluate.

This year has been a year of growth (not height wise because if it were, I might still be playing basketball).  Much like puberty, personal growth is awkward and painful. I find that I have emerged from the cocoon like an ugly duckling.  I'm sort of moulty and can't really fly but I'm alive and at least I'm not a stupid egg.

So here is the highlight reel for 2014.

Top Ten Best of 2014

1. I tried new things - I started making Youtube content, an Etsy page, I moved out of my parent's house,  I acted in a local web series (you're shaking your head, why does everyone shake their head when they hear that?), I started using hashtags ironically.  The whole world opened up for me, when I stepped out of my comfort zone.

2. I lived in 3 different cities in 2014 -Living in different cities really gives you a sense of what is out there.  It also gives you an excuse to not know any major roads and to just generally be dishevelled... I can pull off dishevelled like it's an actual style.

3. I now have a nemesis - Bob Saget used to be my hero, now he is my nemesis.  Nemesis.

4.Ya Mama - She is just so kind, I don't know what I would do without her.

5. I now own a Thor costume and it brings me more joy than acting like an adult does.

6. I learned that I can wear red lipstick like a flipping boss.

7. I learning that quitting to move onto something else is not the same as giving up because something was too hard.

8. I have a bike! Totally a 2 wheeler.

9. I went camping... I didn't even die.

10. My mom bought me a hammock... it is currently set up indoors, so I can ponder in my pondering hammock.

Top Ten Worst of 2014

1. I tried new things - It was terrifying, there were times I cried because I was stressed or felt like I was in way over my head (is it physically possible to cry underwater? - I'm asking for a friend).  Trying new things did not make my life any easier in fact it made me lose handfuls of hair and eat handfuls of chocolate.

2. I lived in 3 different cities - moving sucks.  I am not good a packing, not good at downsizing, not good at lifting heavy boxes, not good at unpacking.  Moving sucks.

3. I drank coffee pot descaler - for the love of all that is good in the world, NEVER drink descaler. It's like having a fire demon tear through your small intestine.

4. Ya Mama - she can be a bit bossy.... sorry.

5.I learned the value of a second opinion the hard way.  I'm going to not to get too preachy here but, I almost paralyzed myself because I trusted a professional for no other reason than they had a piece of paper on their wall that said they were qualified.  It is your right to get a second opinion, pain is your body's way of saying something is wrong.  Please note that Web MD is not a second opinion.  Preachiness complete.

6. My nemesis doesn't know I exist.  Curse you Bob Saget.

7. I learned that it takes me at least 20 minutes to put on red lipstick because I have the hand-eye coordination of a 4 year old.

8. I challenged the strength of a car window with my skull.. I won but did I really?  No seriously did I? I don't remember.

9. I was addicted to Campbell's chunky soup for about 8 months... I'm just lucky I made it out alive.

10.  I made it past level 400 on Candy Crush Saga, I started collecting Dark Elixir on Clash of Clans and I unlocked the beach on Minion run.  It came at a terrible cost friends.  A terrible, terrible cost.

That is all.


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