This looks way worse than it is.... I think

Hey Mom!

So they are replacing all the windows in my apartment building.  It's fine it's only winter and they are popping windows off the place like it's a giant Mr. Potato head.  This is not worst the part. For the rest of the month they can come at anytime between 8am and 4:30pm on any day they wish. This is not worst the part.

The worst part dear friends is that this morning I spilled an entire litre of water on my bed.  I was trying to be all cool and casual and so I took a sip of my water bottle and then tossed it on my bed (all coolly and casually) and apparently the lid was not on the whole way... so the water flowed all cool and casual soaking my whole bed.

Furthermore, I have taken the sheets off my bed and brought them to Calgary to wash them (because my parents don't charge me to do laundry).  So if at any point this weekend they show up... they will find a bare  mattress with a wet spot that looks awfully suspect.

I'm not embarrassed about the Avengers duvet or superhero posters...
I'm not embarrassed about the molecule hanging from my ceiling...
I'm not embarrassed about the box of 40 wagon wheels on my vanity...
I AM embarrassed about the big gulp sized lake in the middle of my mattress.

The question with which I now wrestle is... should I have left a note?  They probably won't notice or care.  But I didn't pee.  They deserve to know that I didn't pee.  I deserve to know that they know that I didn't pee.  Right? Am I right?

That is all.


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