
Showing posts from November, 2017

Car Dweller Tendencies

Hey Mom! If you've been in this alcove of the internet for awhile you know that I'm fairly certain that my life is a sitcom. With that in mind, a car dweller tendency (CDT) may be defined in the following way: Car Dweller Tendencies (CDT) - if you found out I was living out of my car, you wouldn't be surprised. Now, I'm imagining a cartoonish sitcom world where solutions to all problems can be found within 30 minutes. This means that I'm probably living in my car for a hilarious and very fixable reason (like I'm too stubborn to admit that a clown lamp given to me as a housewarming gift scares me... or something, I haven't put too much thought into it). So recently, I pulled into work and happened to park next to my boss.... then I realized that I had a pillow, a sleeping bag and a waffle iron in the backseat from a recent trip to Lethbridge (don't ask me why I needed a waffle iron, I just did). Then I realized if my boss walked past my car and th...

Aluminium Linings

Hey Mom! So this week is more of announcement than a tale of shenanigans gone horribly wrong... well ok, maybe just a quick tale of shenanigans gone horribly wrong. On the weekend, my roommate was gone so I thought it would be the perfect time to unleash the fiercest choreography my living room had ever seen. I turned on the music. I yelled along in the key of flat discordant chaos. I felt the music in my soul. Then. It. All. Went. Wrong. Unfortunately, I did not feel the music in my soles. There was a bit of a coordination mix up which resulted in pain. My living room saw the rise and fall of a dance legend that night. It gets worse. My boss also happens to be my physiotherapist WHICH MEANS I had to explain to another grown adult that I can barely walk this week because I have an uncurbable enthusiasm for dance coupled with all the ability of a dead sloth. Ok announcement time! I am very happy to announce that I have created something of a one-stop shop for all my...

A Mile in Decorative Galoshes

Hey Mom! So the honeymoon stage has worn off my gap year and now a sort of listlessness has set in.... I used to have lists for each class, each day of the week plus monthly lists and long term lists. Now? I have no lists. But on Thursday I was once again swept up in adventure, the harrowing tale to follow. *I want to preface this with saying that my roommate does 99% of the yard work but otherwise I would die* So I decided I was going to rake the backyard. Fuelled by Reactin and the promise of a sweet Benedryl slumber later on, I set about my task. I hoisted the rake above my head and released my battle cry into the cold autumn wind ... ...Then about ten minutes later it started raining so I went inside because it was cold and I didn't like it. BUT FRIDAY, a day traditionally used for evening naps and the consumption of various forms of melted cheese, I was ready. I donned my rubber boots with their thermal lining, I layered a long-sleeve under a t-shirt (mostly becaus...

Poo-Pourri: A Memo

Hey Mom! So we have an employee bathroom at work which someone has mercifully stocked with Poo-Pourri. Personally, I avoid using the bathroom while I'm working. I know what you're thinking Oh, you are one of those people that won't use public bathrooms aren't you? No. I have no problem dropping a deuce in a public bathroom because that is what bathrooms are for ... but using the bathroom throws off my momentum. Anyway, recently someone has moved the Poo-Pourri to a more prominent spot in the bathroom in what I can only assume is some sort of passive aggressive power move.  This is very exciting for so many reasons.  But first and foremost is the idea of a Poo-Pourri memo getting circulated around the office.   SUPER SAIYAN DUMPING FACE In the event that I am tasked with constructing such a memo (very unlikely but dreams come true every day), I have come up with a rough draft so that my time to shine will be as brilliant as all the suns in the universe: ...