Poo-Pourri: A Memo

Hey Mom!

So we have an employee bathroom at work which someone has mercifully stocked with Poo-Pourri. Personally, I avoid using the bathroom while I'm working. I know what you're thinking Oh, you are one of those people that won't use public bathrooms aren't you? No. I have no problem dropping a deuce in a public bathroom because that is what bathrooms are for... but using the bathroom throws off my momentum.

Anyway, recently someone has moved the Poo-Pourri to a more prominent spot in the bathroom in what I can only assume is some sort of passive aggressive power move. 

This is very exciting for so many reasons.  But first and foremost is the idea of a Poo-Pourri memo getting circulated around the office.  

In the event that I am tasked with constructing such a memo (very unlikely but dreams come true every day), I have come up with a rough draft so that my time to shine will be as brilliant as all the suns in the universe:

Hello Everyone,

Recently there have been a series of heinous dumps taken in the employee washrooms. Management understands that there are moments when a bowel movement at work is unavoidable and as such encourages healthy colon practices. However, to ensure a safe work environment we have outfitted the bathrooms with Poo-Pourri, a product designed to eliminate unpleasant smells resulting from particularly pungent excretions. Please note that it is standard office practice to use Poo-Pourri in the event of rectal discharge as a courtesy to your coworkers.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.


That is all.


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