Aluminium Linings

Hey Mom!

So this week is more of announcement than a tale of shenanigans gone horribly wrong... well ok, maybe just a quick tale of shenanigans gone horribly wrong.

On the weekend, my roommate was gone so I thought it would be the perfect time to unleash the fiercest choreography my living room had ever seen.

I turned on the music.
I yelled along in the key of flat discordant chaos.
I felt the music in my soul.

Then. It. All. Went. Wrong.

Unfortunately, I did not feel the music in my soles. There was a bit of a coordination mix up which resulted in pain. My living room saw the rise and fall of a dance legend that night.

It gets worse.

My boss also happens to be my physiotherapist WHICH MEANS I had to explain to another grown adult that I can barely walk this week because I have an uncurbable enthusiasm for dance coupled with all the ability of a dead sloth.

Ok announcement time!

I am very happy to announce that I have created something of a one-stop shop for all my projects:

Aluminium Linings

Such inspire!

You can click on each of these boxes to go to a different project! For example, my brother and I do a new youtube show called 'Two Minute Topics'.... more importantly, we haven't killed each other yet.

I know what you're thinking... Mack that's a weird name for a website. Yes, but is there anything I do that isn't weird?

An aluminium lining, is a silver lining that keeps your hopes and dreams warm. During this gap year(s) I have the chance to unwrap some of my baked-potato dreams! So if you'd like to stay up-to-date on what I'm taking off the back burner that's the place to go :)

That is all.


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