When It All Goes to Instant Pot

Hey Mom!

So up until 10 minutes ago I was the proud owner of an Instant Pot.... don't worry, the Instant Pot is fine but I am emotionally scarred and if my soup is ruined, I'll probably shed a few tears.

I decided that I would make my favourite soup (zuppa toscana from the Olive Garden), so I went to the grocery store and splurged on bacon and kale (self-care looks different for everyone, don't judge me). Everything was going well, I was cheffing so hard. Chopping, sautéing, slicing, dicing, stirring. I was holding my own in what is usually my least preferred arena of competition. And then came time to call upon the pressure cooking powers of the Instant Pot. Some would say it's a foolproof process.... those people have never seen what I am capable of....

BEHOLD! The Mount Vesuvius of Toscana Soup!

I now live in a seascape of Italian herbs and spices..... it's on the counters and cupboards and in my eyes. I wish I could go back and don safety glasses (or get take out).

As is turns out, there are two different types of venting. THIS IS NOT MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUCTION MANUAL... wait hold on let me check.... 

BUCKLE UP! I'm about to motherfluffing curse! It's on page 17.... I'm so embarrassed and sad about my soup.  I read the manual twice. TWICE. ---- Also I'm not going to curse... I thought about it but I'm over it now.

Now at this point we've strayed pretty far from the whole 20Greateen business that I've been pretty adamant about so here is the aluminium lining:

In 14 minutes I will be 25 years old, 25 year-old me might want to turn over a new leaf but 24 year-old me is going to see how fast I can eat an entire loaf of garlic bread.

That is all.

UPDATE 20GREATEEN: The soup doesn't actually taste bad at all! I will keep you updated with food-poisoning related info.


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