It's Time for This to End....

Hey Mom! (And Mrs. Edworthy) So I feel like after a year my acclimation to the Edmonton area has finally reached completion as I attended my very first K-Days on the weekend. This is the only picture I took, I liked the font. If you are unfamiliar, K-Days is like Calgary Stampede with a tight crop and a matte finish. It's less of an in your face (glossy) cowboy theme but also instagram size instead of a solid pano.... I had a wonderful time, I saw the Beach Boys and ate mini doughnuts and even hopped on some rides, which brings me to my next point: STOP MAKING ME GO INTO HAUNTED HOUSES! You guys know I hate it. Every. Single. Time. I hate it. Now I know what you're thinking Mack, what does this have to do with K-Days? Excellent question! My co-worker's daughter asked me to accompany her on a haunted house ride. Now this ride lasted all of two minutes, which probably doesn't sound that bad. I'd like to take this opportunity to say IT IS THAT BAD! I...