It's Time for This to End....

Hey Mom! (And Mrs. Edworthy)

So I feel like after a year my acclimation to the Edmonton area has finally reached completion as I attended my very first K-Days on the weekend.

This is the only picture I took, I liked the font.

If you are unfamiliar, K-Days is like Calgary Stampede with a tight crop and a matte finish. It's less of an in your face (glossy) cowboy theme but also instagram size instead of a solid pano....

I had a wonderful time, I saw the Beach Boys and ate mini doughnuts and even hopped on some rides, which brings me to my next point:


You guys know I hate it. Every. Single. Time. I hate it.

Now I know what you're thinking Mack, what does this have to do with K-Days? Excellent question! My co-worker's daughter asked me to accompany her on a haunted house ride. Now this ride lasted all of two minutes, which probably doesn't sound that bad. I'd like to take this opportunity to say IT IS THAT BAD! I almost fainted and peed my pants. Imagine losing consciousness on a children's ride only to come to and realize that you've peed your pants and a bunch of strangers who watch adults casually ride through a haunted house and laugh and laugh and laugh also know that you've passed out and peed your pants.

So once you realize what has happened you obviously need to make up a more reasonable excuse. Like hypoglycemia except guess what?! That doesn't explain the pants-wetting. So now you've got to watch every episode of House to try to unearth some obscure medical condition that explains everything. You'll of course have to have done this beforehand, it'll probably take months.

NOW DO YOU SEE?! I just feel like the expectation on me as the terrified-out-of-my-mind person is so utterly unreasonable. It's just so much work when this could all be solved by just not going into haunted houses.

But Mack, you didn't actually pass out or pee your pants. What's the big deal? I almost fainted. And peed my pants.

That is all.


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