At this point, it was not funny and no one was laughing

Hey Mom!

So I thought long and hard about whether this is appropriate to post. Now, I know what you're thinking: Mack, you posted about dropping your menstrual cup in the toilet. What could possibly more inappropriate? Excellent question!

I laughed during a Remembrance Day ceremony this year. Now, you're probably horrified (as you should be)... please allow me to explain:

A local government official got up to speak and after they were finished they announced that their family had prepared a song that they would like to dedicate to the soldiers. So they start singing an a cappella version of 'You Raise Me Up'. At this point, it was not funny and no one was laughing.

Now I consider myself to be a relatively tone-deaf person, so when I say it was off-key, it was off key. As you may or may not know, that song is not a short song. At this point, it was not funny and no one was laughing. It's snowing, the high school band kids have no mittens and Josh Groban is gnashing his teeth.

So there we are, desperately wishing for the song to end. And when it finally does, it is followed by dead silence until a veteran standing in front of me loudly said "Well, that's LAST time I'm voting for her!"At this point, it was funny and I was laughing.

BUT (and it is a big but), afterward I noticed that the song was not listed in the program. Which begs the question: did a grown adult derail a somber occasion to try to get their singing career off the ground? I am just imagining the event coordinator, Debrick, watching in complete and utter horror as one of their many stress dreams come to life.

This, of course, begs yet another question: who in their right mind tries to steal the spotlight on the one day a year we give a shoutout to soldiers who have died? They get one day, Becky!

Annnnd we are right back to not funny.

That is all.


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