Happy Bloggiversary

Hey Mom!

So this is the first blog of #YearFour and while I have not blogged consistently, I've consistently blogged for three whole years! For those of you who don't know I started this blog (thanks to the encouragement of my Mom) after I graduated high school. I'm not entirely sure what my reasons were at the time but you'd think someone had suggested I shave my head and tattoo my skull.  But guess what?  I fell in love with blogging.  It was a great outlet for me, blah blah became who I am today, blah blah gave me a voice, blah mushy stuff, blah, blah bloggy stuff.

So with all that in mind, there are a three things I would like say...

1. Thanks for reading this (Mom I'm looking at you)
2. Semi-colons are a straight jacket to my genius
3. I hate polo shirts for no good reason
4. I was making numbered lists before Buzzfeed made it cool.

What does this have to do with anything?  Well clearly I have wisdom to impart so obviously it would be a disservice to the internet to do anything other than continue Hey Mom! 

That is all.


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