Richard Cross 1960-2014

Loss can seem unfair in so many ways.  It feels unfair when it seems too soon.  It feels unfair that some pass old and grey while others seem to live within the span of mere moments.  To me, the most unfair aspect of loss is that nothing stops.  Tomorrow will still come, the phone will still ring.  People will continue working and tweeting and texting as if all is well in the world.  The world should stop, everyone should stop. Why don't they stop?

Richard Cross had an impact on the people that he met.  Richard Cross was a husband, a father, a brother, a friend.  Richard Cross was significant, and saw the significance of the people he interacted with.

So why? Why during this time of loss is there still work and traffic and classes? How can the internet machine continue to churn out meaningless posts while we are faced with the daunting task of mixing joy and sorrow?  While we celebrate the life of Richard Cross and we accept the fact that our world is a little paler.  Why don't they stop?

I don't know.  Perhaps it's because we live in a big, big world.  Perhaps that being the opposite of death, life can only ever move forward.

Here's what I do know.  My world will stop for Richard Cross.  When someone whistles Blessed Be Your Name.  When I hear the hum of a motor boat across a lake.  When I hear a story about a moose.  When I think of quads or rhinos or old beige acoustic guitars. My world stops for Uncle Rick.


  1. Thank you for sharing this. It is not only well written, it is very well thought out. I cannot help but feel moved and somehow grounded, because of the questions I had in my heart.
    Thank you very much!
    Jennifer Cross

  2. Rick was a great guy. Only met him a few times but I saw his passion for serving his God and people. Indeed the world will be a little paler without Rick.

  3. l grew up with Rick here in Moberly Lake, truly blessed to have a long life friend like him and his siblings, my thoughts and prayers to the family, Moberly Lake will always remember you, as with the friends you have here. R.I.P. Rick.

  4. Wanda Farrell Wilson10 September 2014 at 07:54

    MY memories of Rick are picking him and Kathey up on the school bus when we were kids! He would always jump on and have a huge smile on his face! Sit down across from me and chat and laugh all the way to town. When we would go to his parents store he would be in there always a quick smile and a hello..lost touch after school but never forgot him..

  5. Beautifully written. Rick was a friend of my husbands....played poker with him and hunted with him. This is a sadness for sure. I understood everything you said, as I lost a 35 year old son 4 years ago.....and I felt the exact same way...WHY DOESN'T EVERYTHING STOP


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