
Showing posts from October, 2014

Hey remember that time I accidentally poisoned myself?

Hey Mom! All I wanted to do was descale the coffee pot.  I followed the instructions on the package.  I rinsed the caffeine generating apparatus double the recommended amount.  I made a cup of descaled coffee.  I drank about half before I realized it tasted funny.  I drank some more just to make sure it wasn't all in my head.  I can now say with absolute certainty it was not in my head because it is now in my lower intestine. So the package warned me it was toxic.  The package warned me not to ingest its contents.  What the package did not warn me about was the inferno that would tear through my digestive system in the event that I did not rinse the coffee machine more than double the recommended amount. Is it too late to induce vomiting? All the pepto in the world can't save me now. That is all.

Let Your Heart Break

As you may know, a member of the Canadian Forces ( Cpl .  Nathan Cirillo )  was shot and killed this morning in front of the National War Memorial in Ottawa. Now this blog is not a news site so I am not going over the details (you can get more information here: ) I actually would like to talk about ignorance.  Specifically, I received a phone call today from someone who was upset about the shooting (rightfully so) and in one of their classes someone made the comment "Well this happens in other countries every day." So?  Why should that make this any less tragic?  Somebody has died.  I've talked about it before, this callous attitude is destroying us.  When we choose not to care, we choose breed ignorance. We lost something today.  We lost something more than a life.  Today we lost our freedom in the brief moments that...

Not Everything, Just Something

Hey Mom! So for those of you who have heard me complain about how I have the worst luck ever and everything that can go wrong, always without fail will go wrong... Guess what?  Today everything went right!  You've read correctly, everything came up Mack and while I don't want to jinx it, I am going to elaborate. So this school started in a weird kind of mental hurry.  I decided at the beginning of June I couldn't continue playing basketball and I definitely couldn't survive another winter in Winnipeg.  I had a back injury that was causing pain to shoot down both my legs, I had a messy break up with basketball (Sorry have I mentioned it on this blog... only half a million times <--- hyperbole) AND I began to question whether the career path I am currently on is right for me any more. July and August was spent frantically applying and looking for some form of relatively cheap lodgings.  The weekend before school started I was in a car accident that left me ...

Coming Clean

Hey Mom! Well the month of September is over...  We did it kids!  Well not really because midterm marks haven't come out yet but we showed up and took notes and bought highlighters and liquid paper.... OK OK STOP GRILLING ME ALREADY... It's become clear to me that all the liquid paper in the world can't white out the lies.  I'm sorry Mom.  I'm sorry (not sorry) internet.  I've been cheating on you.  Cheating on you with a beautifully kindred spirit... my other blog. Now when I started the other blog, it was just a casual once a week thing.  So I didn't mention it or post the link to it.  But I can't hide it anymore.  You need to know.  Everything Thursday I post a short fictional piece on the internet.  Sometimes it's sheer brilliance and sometimes its the foulest of any literary work known to man.  But now people know, people know and they want the link.  So here it is: Please note this ...