Not Everything, Just Something

Hey Mom!

So for those of you who have heard me complain about how I have the worst luck ever and everything that can go wrong, always without fail will go wrong... Guess what?  Today everything went right!  You've read correctly, everything came up Mack and while I don't want to jinx it, I am going to elaborate.

So this school started in a weird kind of mental hurry.  I decided at the beginning of June I couldn't continue playing basketball and I definitely couldn't survive another winter in Winnipeg.  I had a back injury that was causing pain to shoot down both my legs, I had a messy break up with basketball (Sorry have I mentioned it on this blog... only half a million times <--- hyperbole) AND I began to question whether the career path I am currently on is right for me any more. July and August was spent frantically applying and looking for some form of relatively cheap lodgings.  The weekend before school started I was in a car accident that left me with a nasty concussion and no car.  I didn't get a single interview from any of the jobs I applied for.  None of my courses transferred from the University of Manitoba.  I realized I really did waste an entire year being miserable with nothing to show for it. The pain came in my legs came back despite going to the chiropractor 3 times a week during the summer.  I got sick and my asthma ended any hopes of doing stairs.  I lost my wallet.  I finally got a job interview, they said nobody applied for the position but they had to wait until monday to tell me for sure the job was mine.  They never called me back... they was the Dollarstore.  The Dollarstore didn't want me... le ouch.

As you may imagine,  this turn of events made me feel a lot of things... certain was not one of them.  This past weekend was spent with an anxiously turning stomach.  I just need something to go right. The thought rolled around and around and around in my head.  Yesterday was rougher than wiping with sandpaper, I got a job interview for a tutoring agency but I need bring two pieces of government ID (guess what was in my wallet... everything).  I was nearly reduced to tears trying to figure out a bus schedule.  Now if a bus schedule can ruin your day chances are you are either already teetering on the edge of hysteria or you just really love public transit (I am the former).

Today someone turned in my wallet with everything still in it.
Today the university decided to take my organic chemistry courses after all.
Today I found my yellow crochet hook (which is my second favourite).
Today I got my something.

That is all.


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