Coming Clean

Hey Mom!

Well the month of September is over...  We did it kids!  Well not really because midterm marks haven't come out yet but we showed up and took notes and bought highlighters and liquid paper.... OK OK STOP GRILLING ME ALREADY...

It's become clear to me that all the liquid paper in the world can't white out the lies.  I'm sorry Mom.  I'm sorry (not sorry) internet.  I've been cheating on you.  Cheating on you with a beautifully kindred spirit... my other blog.

Now when I started the other blog, it was just a casual once a week thing.  So I didn't mention it or post the link to it.  But I can't hide it anymore.  You need to know.  Everything Thursday I post a short fictional piece on the internet.  Sometimes it's sheer brilliance and sometimes its the foulest of any literary work known to man.  But now people know, people know and they want the link.  So here it is:

Please note this blog contains themes such as spiders, genetically modified ducks and most recently murderous yarn.

That is all.


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